PubMed legacy version, searched 01/29/2020 |
#1 | "Hypertension"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Hypertension, Renal"[Mesh] | 245506 |
#2 | hypertens*[All Fields] | 534768 |
#3 | (#1 OR #2) | 534768 |
#4 | ("Blood Pressure"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Blood Pressure Determination"[Mesh] OR "Sphygmomanometers"[Mesh]) | 290490 |
#5 | (Sphygmomanometer* OR ("blood pressure"[All Fields] AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR ABPM[tiab]) | 133672 |
#6 | ((#4 or #5) | 332218 |
#7 | ("Ambulatory Care"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Ambulatory Care Facilities"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Outpatient Clinics, Hospital"[Mesh:NoExp]) | 73808 |
#8 | "Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh:NoExp] | 7956 |
#9 | (ambula* AND care) | 100225 |
#10 | (#7 or #8 or #9) | 119304 |
#11 | (#3 and #6) | 122397 |
#12 | (#3 and #6 and #10) | 2680 |
#13 | (diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose*) | 4940761 |
#14 | (physical exam*[All Fields] OR clinical exam*[All Fields]) | 144213 |
#15 | stress test*[All Fields] | 13973 |
#16 | (sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver) | 4641166 |
#17 | (accuracy OR precision OR reliability OR validity) | 748830 |
#18 | ("Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp]) | 3226 |
#19 | "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh] | 114795 |
#20 | "Diagnostic Tests, Routine"[Mesh:NoExp] | 11621 |
#21 | ("Sensitivity and Specificity"[Mesh]) | 571181 |
#22 | ("Diagnosis"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnosis, Differential"[Mesh:NoExp]) | 461957 |
#23 | (#13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22) | 9084467 |
#24 | (#12 and #23) | 1541 |
#25 | "Hypertension/diagnosis"[Majr:NoExp] | 8919 |
#26 | (#6 or #12) | 332218 |
#27 | (#25 and #26) | 5195 |
#28 | (#24 or #27) | 6148 |
#29 | (sensitiv*[Title/Abstract] OR “sensitivity and specificity”[MeSH Terms] OR diagnose[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosed[Title/Abstract] OR diagnoses[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosing[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[Title/Abstract] OR diagnostic[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[MeSH:noexp] OR “diagnosis, differential”[MeSH:noexp] OR diagnosis[Subheading:noexp]) | 5301440 |
#30 | (#12 and #29) | 1355 |
#31 | (#24 or #27 or #28) | 6148 |
#32 | (#30 or #31) | 6148 |
#33 | ("intra-arterial"[All Fields] OR intraarterial[All Fields]) | 31790 |
#34 | (#33 and #11) | 1115 |
#35 | (#32 or #34) | 7200 |
#36 | (#32 or #34) Filters: Humans | 6712 |
#37 | (#32 or #34) Filters: Humans; Adult: 19+ years | 4034 |
#38 | (#37 AND (Editorial[pt] OR Comment[pt] OR Letter[pt] OR News[pt]) | 107 |
#39 | (#37 not #38) | 3927 |
#40 | (#37 not #38) Filters: Publication date from 2018/05/08 to 2020/12/31 | 209 |
#41 | (#37 not #38) Filters: Publication date from 2018/05/08 to 2020/12/31; English | 198 |
#42 | (#40 NOT #41) | 11 |
Cochrane Library (Wiley), 1996 – January 2020, searched 01/29/2020 |
#1 | [mh ^Hypertension] or [mh ^"Hypertension, Renal"] | 16799 |
#2 | hypertens* | 66765 |
#3 | #1 or #2 | 66765 |
#4 | [mh ^"Blood Pressure"] or [mh "Blood Pressure Determination"] or [mh Sphygmomanometers] | 27240 |
#5 | Sphygmomanometer* or ("blood pressure" and (monitor* or determin*)) or ABPM | 30895 |
#6 | #4 or #5 | 49052 |
#7 | [mh ^"Ambulatory Care"] or [mh ^"Ambulatory Care Facilities"] or [mh ^"Outpatient Clinics, Hospital"] | 4103 |
#8 | [mh ^"Monitoring, Ambulatory"] | 540 |
#9 | ambula* AND care | 10900 |
#10 | #7 or #8 or #9 | 11744 |
#11 | #3 and #6 | 18688 |
#12 | #3 and #6 and #10 | 818 |
#13 | diagnost* or diagnosi* or diagnose* | 232448 |
#14 | physical exam* or clinical exam* | 163260 |
#15 | stress test* | 19926 |
#16 | sensitiv* or specific* or predictive value* or ppv or npv or likelihood ratio* or interobserver or intraobserver | 196274 |
#17 | accuracy or precision or reliability or validity | 49637 |
#18 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"] | 33 |
#19 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Errors"] | 276 |
#20 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Tests, Routine"] | 221 |
#21 | [mh "Sensitivity and Specificity"] | 16292 |
#22 | [mh ^Diagnosis] or [mh ^"Diagnosis, Differential"] | 1532 |
#23 | #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 | 495363 |
#24 | #12 and #23 | 464 |
#25 | [mh ^Hypertension/DI] | 995 |
#26 | #6 or #12 | 49052 |
#27 | #25 and #26 | 776 |
#28 | #24 or #27 | 1132 |
#29 | sensitiv*:ti or sensitiv*:ab or [mh "sensitivity and specificity"] or diagnose:ti or diagnose:ab or diagnosed:ti or diagnosed:ab or diagnoses:ti or diagnoses:ab or diagnosing:ti or diagnosing:ab or diagnosis:ti or diagnosis:ab or diagnostic:ti or diagnostic:ab or [mh ^diagnosis] or [mh ^"diagnosis, differential"] or [mh ^diagnosis] | 199817 |
#30 | #12 and #29 | 158 |
#31 | #24 or #27 or #28 | 1132 |
#32 | #30 or #31 | 1132 |
#33 | "intra-arterial" or intraarterial | 3180 |
#34 | #33 and #11 | 141 |
#35 | #32 or #34 | 1266 |
#36 | #35 with Cochrane Library publication date Between May 2018 and Jan 2020 | 174 |
#37 | #36 and (Editorial:pt or Comment:pt or Letter:pt or News:pt) | 3 |
#38 | #36 not #37 | 171 |
Embase, 1974 - 01/29/2020, searched 01/30/2020 |
#1 | 'hypertension'/de OR 'hypertension'/exp OR hypertension | 1,000,067 |
#2 | renal AND ('hypertension'/de OR hypertension) | 136,689 |
#3 | #1 OR #2 | 1,000,067 |
#4 | 'blood pressure'/de OR 'blood pressure determination'/de OR 'sphygmomanometer'/de OR 'sphygmomanometers'/de | 309,736 |
#5 | sphygmomanometer* OR ('blood pressure' AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR abpm | 189,324 |
#6 | #4 AND #5 | 77,344 |
#7 | 'ambulatory care'/de OR 'ambulatory care facilities'/de OR 'outpatient clinics, hospital'/de | 104,790 |
#8 | 'monitoring, ambulatory'/de | 11,315 |
#9 | ambula* AND care | 102,170 |
#10 | #7 OR #8 OR #9 | 175,590 |
#11 | #3 AND #6 | 36,170 |
#12 | #3 AND #6 AND #10 | 2,842 |
#13 | diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose* | 6,638,554 |
#14 | 'physical exam' OR 'physical exams' OR 'physical examination'/exp OR 'physical examination' OR 'physical examinations' OR 'clinical exam' OR 'clinical exams' OR 'clinical examination'/exp OR 'clinical examination' OR 'clinical examinations' | 419,740 |
#15 | 'stress test'/exp OR 'stress test' OR 'stress tests' OR 'stress testing' | 100,965 |
#16 | ((sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive) AND value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood) AND ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver | 188,127 |
#17 | 'accuracy'/exp OR accuracy OR 'precision'/exp OR precision OR 'reliability'/exp OR reliability OR 'validity'/exp OR validity | 1,275,966 |
#18 | 'diagnostic techniques and procedures'/de | 94,566 |
#19 | 'diagnostic errors'/exp | 95,697 |
#20 | 'diagnostic tests, routine'/de | 77,093 |
#21 | 'sensitivity and specificity'/exp | 344,350 |
#22 | 'diagnosis'/de OR 'diagnosis, differential'/de | 1,707,054 |
#23 | #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 | 7,726,639 |
#24 | #12 AND #23 | 1,521 |
#25 | 'hypertension'/mj/dm_di | 12,968 |
#26 | #6 OR #12 | 77,344 |
#27 | #25 AND #26 | 2,340 |
#28 | #24 OR #27 | 3,295 |
#29 | sensitiv*or AND 'sensitivity and specificity'/dm_di AND exp OR diagnose OR diagnosed OR diagnoses OR diagnosing OR diagnostic OR 'diagnosis'/dm_di OR 'diagnosis, differential'/dm_di | 2,718,024 |
#30 | #12 AND #29 | 581 |
#31 | #24 OR #27 OR #28 | 3,295 |
#32 | #30 OR #31 | 3,295 |
#33 | 'intra-arterial' OR 'intraarterial' OR intraarterial | 58,458 |
#34 | #11 AND #33 | 404 |
#35 | #32 OR #34 | 3,637 |
#36 | #35 AND [embase]/lim | 3,005 |
#37 | #36 AND ([animal cell]/lim OR [animal experiment]/lim OR [animal model]/lim OR [animal tissue]/lim) AND [embase]/lim | 111 |
#38 | #36 NOT #37 AND [embase]/lim | 2,894 |
#39 | (editorial:it OR comment:it OR letter:it OR news:it) AND [embase]/lim | 1,338,873 |
#40 | #38 NOT #39 AND [embase]/lim | 2,772 |
#41 | #40 AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim | 1,435 |
#42 | #41 AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim AND [2018-2020]/py | 137 |
#43 | #42 AND [english]/lim AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim AND [2018-2020]/py | 135 |
#44 | #42 NOT #43 | 2 |
Gap searches for "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh] |
PubMed, 5/06/2020 |
#1 | "Hypertension"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Hypertension, Renal"[Mesh] OR hypertens*[All Fields] | 542,191 |
#2 | ("Blood Pressure"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Blood Pressure Determination"[Mesh] OR "Sphygmomanometers"[Mesh]) OR ((Sphygmomanometer* OR ("blood pressure"[All Fields] AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR ABPM[tiab])) | 334,529 |
#4 | #1 AND #2 | 123,577 |
#5 | "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh] NOT "Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh:NoExp] | 9,677 |
#6 | #1 AND #2 AND #5 | 8,297 |
#7 | (diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose*) OR (physical exam*[All Fields] OR clinical exam*[All Fields]) OR stress test*[All Fields] OR (sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver) OR accuracy OR precision OR reliability OR validity OR "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh] OR "Diagnostic Tests, Routine"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Sensitivity and Specificity"[Mesh] OR “Diagnosis"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnosis, Differential"[Mesh:NoExp] | 9,965,366 |
#8 | #6 AND #7 | 5,158 |
#9 | "Hypertension/diagnosis"[Majr:NoExp] | 9,026 |
#10 | #2 OR #6 | 334,529 |
#11 | #9 AND #10 | 5,265 |
#12 | #8 OR #11 | 8,775 |
#13 | ((sensitiv*[Title/Abstract] OR “sensitivity and specificity”[MeSH Terms] OR diagnose[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosed[Title/Abstract] OR diagnoses[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosing[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[Title/Abstract] OR diagnostic[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[MeSH:noexp] OR “diagnosis, differential”[MeSH:noexp] OR diagnosis[Subheading:noexp])) | 5,378,022 |
#14 | #6 AND #13 | 4,108 |
#15 | #8 OR #11 OR #12 | 8,775 |
#16 | #14 OR #15 | 8,775 |
#17 | "intra-arterial"[All Fields] OR intraarterial[All Fields] | 33,087 |
#18 | #17 AND #4 | 1,219 |
#19 | #16 OR #18 | 9,920 |
#20 | #16 OR #18 | Limit: Humans | 9,410 |
#21 | #16 OR #18 | Limit: Humans, Adult: 19+ years | 6,148 |
#22 | #21 NOT (Editorial[pt] OR Comment[pt] OR Letter[pt] OR News[pt]) | 6,019 |
#23 | #21 NOT (Editorial[pt] OR Comment[pt] OR Letter[pt] OR News[pt]) Limits: English | 5,239 |
#24 | #22 NOT #23 | 780 |
Cochrane Library, 5/08/2020 |
#1 | [mh ^Hypertension] or [mh ^"Hypertension, Renal"] OR hypertens* | 66065 |
#2 | [mh ^"Blood Pressure"] or [mh "Blood Pressure Determination"] or [mh Sphygmomanometers] or Sphygmomanometer* or ("blood pressure" and (monitor* or determin*)) or ABPM | 50107 |
#3 | #1 AND #2 | 18905 |
#4 | [mh "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"] NOT [mh ^"Monitoring, Ambulatory"] | 1423 |
#5 | #3 AND #4 | 1255 |
#6 | diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose* OR physical exam* OR clinical exam* OR stress test* OR sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver OR accuracy OR precision OR reliability OR validity OR [mh ^"Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"] OR [mh ^"Diagnostic Errors"] OR [mh ^"Diagnostic Tests, Routine"] OR [mh "Sensitivity and Specificity"] OR [mh ^Diagnosis] or [mh ^"Diagnosis, Differential"] | 484914 |
#7 | #5 AND #6 | 547 |
#8 | [mh ^Hypertension/DI] | 984 |
#9 | #2 OR #5 | 50107 |
#10 | #8 AND #9 | 775 |
#11 | #7 OR #10 | 1075 |
#12 | sensitiv*:ti or sensitiv*:ab or [mh "sensitivity and specificity"] or diagnose:ti or diagnose:ab or diagnosed:ti or diagnosed:ab or diagnoses:ti or diagnoses:ab or diagnosing:ti or diagnosing:ab or diagnosis:ti or diagnosis:ab or diagnostic:ti or diagnostic:ab or [mh ^diagnosis] or [mh ^"diagnosis, differential"] or [mh ^diagnosis] | 192792 |
#13 | #5 AND #12 | 178 |
#14 | #7 OR #10 OR #11 | 1075 |
#15 | #13 OR #14 | 1075 |
#16 | "intra-arterial" or intraarterial | 3129 |
#17 | #3 AND #16 | 143 |
#18 | #15 OR #17 | 1212 |
#19 | #18 NOT (Editorial:pt or Comment:pt or Letter:pt or News:pt) | 1200 |
Blood pressure update searches October 28-29, 2020 |
PubMed, new version, 10-28-2020 |
1 | ("Hypertension"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Hypertension, Renal"[Mesh]) OR hypertens*[All Fields] | 556,699 |
2 | ("Blood Pressure"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Blood Pressure Determination"[Mesh] OR "Sphygmomanometers"[Mesh]) OR ((Sphygmomanometer* OR ("blood pressure"[All Fields] AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR ABPM[tiab])) | 339,127 |
3 | #1 OR #2 | 769,910 |
4 | "Ambulatory Care"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Ambulatory Care Facilities"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Outpatient Clinics, Hospital"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh] OR (ambula* AND care) | 133,000 |
5 | #1 AND #2 | 125,916 |
6 | #5 AND #4 | 10,047 |
7 | (diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose*) OR (physical exam*[All Fields] OR clinical exam*[All Fields]) OR stress test*[All Fields] OR (sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver) OR accuracy OR precision OR reliability OR validity OR "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh] OR "Diagnostic Tests, Routine"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Sensitivity and Specificity"[Mesh] OR "Diagnosis"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnosis, Differential"[Mesh:NoExp] | 10,280,159 |
8 | #7 AND #6 | 6,140 |
9 | "Hypertension/diagnosis"[Majr:NoExp] | 9,268 |
10 | #3 OR #6 | 769,910 |
11 | #10 AND #9 | 9,268 |
12 | #8 OR #11 | 13,473 |
13 | (sensitiv*[Title/Abstract] OR "sensitivity and specificity"[MeSH Terms] OR diagnose[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosed[Title/Abstract] OR diagnoses[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosing[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[Title/Abstract] OR diagnostic[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[MeSH:noexp] OR "diagnosis, differential"[MeSH:noexp] OR diagnosis[Subheading:noexp]) | 5,526,754 |
14 | #6 AND #13 | 4,889 |
15 | #8 OR #11 OR #14 | 13,473 |
16 | #14 OR #15 | 13,473 |
17 | ("intra-arterial"[All Fields] OR intraarterial[All Fields]) | 33,374 |
18 | #17 AND #3 | 5,099 |
19 | #18 OR #16 | 18,480 |
20 | #18 OR #16 | Humans | 15,991 |
21 | #18 OR #16 | Humans, English | 12,807 |
22 | #18 OR #16 | Humans, English, Adult: 19+ years | 8,335 |
23 | #22 AND (Editorial[pt] OR Comment[pt] OR Letter[pt] OR News[pt]) | 191 |
24 | #22 NOT #23 | 8,144 |
25 | (#24) AND (("2019/07/29"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication])) | 234 |
Cochrane Library, 1996 – October 2020, searched 10-28-2020 |
#1 | [mh ^Hypertension] or [mh ^"Hypertension, Renal"] | 17685 |
#2 | hypertens* | 67734 |
#3 | #1 or #2 | 67734 |
#4 | [mh ^"Blood Pressure"] or [mh "Blood Pressure Determination"] or [mh Sphygmomanometers] | 27584 |
#5 | Sphygmomanometer* or ("blood pressure" and (monitor* or determin*)) or ABPM | 32822 |
#6 | #4 or #5 | 51146 |
#7 | [mh ^"Ambulatory Care"] or [mh ^"Ambulatory Care Facilities"] or [mh ^"Outpatient Clinics, Hospital"] | 4140 |
#8 | [mh ^"Monitoring, Ambulatory"] OR [mh "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"] | 1990 |
#9 | ambula* AND care | 11289 |
#10 | #7 or #8 or #9 | 13316 |
#11 | #3 and #6 | 19281 |
#12 | #3 and #6 and #10 | 1889 |
#13 | diagnost* or diagnosi* or diagnose* | 230962 |
#14 | physical exam* or clinical exam* | 168105 |
#15 | stress test* | 21450 |
#16 | sensitiv* or specific* or predictive value* or ppv or npv or likelihood ratio* or interobserver or intraobserver | 196038 |
#17 | accuracy or precision or reliability or validity | 46205 |
#18 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"] | 34 |
#19 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Errors"] | 272 |
#20 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Tests, Routine"] | 230 |
#21 | [mh "Sensitivity and Specificity"] | 15311 |
#22 | [mh ^Diagnosis] or [mh ^"Diagnosis, Differential"] | 1444 |
#23 | #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 | 503137 |
#24 | #12 and #23 | 906 |
#25 | [mh ^Hypertension/DI] | 1013 |
#26 | #6 or #12 | 51146 |
#27 | #25 and #26 | 798 |
#28 | #24 or #27 | 1419 |
#29 | sensitiv*:ti or sensitiv*:ab or [mh "sensitivity and specificity"] or diagnose:ti or diagnose:ab or diagnosed:ti or diagnosed:ab or diagnoses:ti or diagnoses:ab or diagnosing:ti or diagnosing:ab or diagnosis:ti or diagnosis:ab or diagnostic:ti or diagnostic:ab or [mh ^diagnosis] or [mh ^"diagnosis, differential"] or [mh ^diagnosis] | 198885 |
#30 | #12 and #29 | 309 |
#31 | #24 or #27 or #28 | 1419 |
#32 | #30 or #31 | 1419 |
#33 | "intra-arterial" or intraarterial | 3153 |
#34 | #33 and #11 | 145 |
#35 | #32 or #34 | 1555 |
#36 | #35 with Cochrane Library publication date Between July 2019 and Dec 2020 | 115 |
#37 | #36 and (Editorial:pt or Comment:pt or Letter:pt or News:pt) | 2 |
#38 | #36 not #37 | 113 |
Embase, 1974 - present, searched 10-29-2020 |
#1 | 'hypertension'/de OR 'hypertension'/exp OR hypertension | 1,047,080 |
#2 | renal AND ('hypertension'/de OR hypertension) | 142,567 |
#3 | #1 OR #2 | 1,047,080 |
#4 | 'blood pressure'/de OR 'blood pressure determination'/de OR 'sphygmomanometer'/de OR 'sphygmomanometers'/de | 317,346 |
#5 | sphygmomanometer* OR ('blood pressure' AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR abpm | 197,911 |
#6 | #4 AND #5 | 79,757 |
#7 | 'ambulatory care'/de OR 'ambulatory care facilities'/de OR 'outpatient clinics, hospital'/de | 109,731 |
#8 | 'blood pressure monitoring'/exp OR 'monitoring, ambulatory'/de | 56,561 |
#9 | ambula* AND care | 106,944 |
#10 | #7 OR #8 OR #9 | 226,840 |
#11 | #3 AND #6 | 37,319 |
#12 | #3 AND #6 AND #10 | 9,621 |
#13 | diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose* | 6,926,274 |
#14 | 'physical exam' OR 'physical exams' OR 'physical examination'/exp OR 'physical examination' OR 'physical examinations' OR 'clinical exam' OR 'clinical exams' OR 'clinical examination'/exp OR 'clinical examination' OR 'clinical examinations' | 440,435 |
#15 | 'stress test'/exp OR 'stress test' OR 'stress tests' OR 'stress testing' | 107,343 |
#16 | ((sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive) AND value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood) AND ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver | 214,354 |
#17 | 'accuracy'/exp OR accuracy OR 'precision'/exp OR precision OR 'reliability'/exp OR reliability OR 'validity'/exp OR validity | 1,364,369 |
#18 | 'diagnostic techniques and procedures'/de | 96,144 |
#19 | 'diagnostic errors'/exp | 102,143 |
#20 | 'diagnostic tests, routine'/de | 79,285 |
#21 | 'sensitivity and specificity'/exp | 369,627 |
#22 | 'diagnosis'/de OR 'diagnosis, differential'/de | 1,728,206 |
#23 | #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 | 8,088,151 |
#24 | #12 AND #23 | 4,333 |
#25 | 'hypertension'/mj/dm_di | 13,296 |
#26 | #6 OR #12 | 79,757 |
#27 | #25 AND #26 | 2,423 |
#28 | #24 OR #27 | 5,445 |
#29 | sensitiv*or AND 'sensitivity and specificity'/dm_di AND exp OR diagnose OR diagnosed OR diagnoses OR diagnosing OR diagnostic OR 'diagnosis'/dm_di OR 'diagnosis, differential'/dm_di | 2,873,268 |
#30 | #12 AND #29 | 1,681 |
#31 | #24 OR #27 OR #28 | 5,445 |
#32 | #30 OR #31 | 5,445 |
#33 | 'intra-arterial' OR 'intraarterial' OR intraarterial | 59,279 |
#34 | #11 AND #33 | 409 |
#35 | #32 OR #34 | 5,766 |
#36 | #35 AND [embase]/lim | 4,952 |
#37 | #36 AND ([animal cell]/lim OR [animal experiment]/lim OR [animal model]/lim OR [animal tissue]/lim) AND [embase]/lim | 120 |
#38 | #36 NOT #37 AND [embase]/lim | 4,832 |
#39 | (editorial:it OR comment:it OR letter:it OR news:it) AND [embase]/lim | 1,396,902 |
#40 | #38 NOT #39 AND [embase]/lim | 4,617 |
#41 | #40 AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim | 2,470 |
#42 | #41 AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim AND [2018-2020]/py | 261 |
#43 | #42 AND [english]/lim AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim AND [2018-2020]/py | 258 |
GRAY LITERATURE UPDATES, October 29, 2020 1) 19 Studies found (Expert Search): AREA[ConditionSearch] (Ambulator* OR diagnost* or diagnosi* or diagnose* OR physical exam* or clinical exam* OR stress test* OR sensitiv* or specific* or predictive value* or ppv or npv or likelihood ratio* or interobserver or intraobserver OR EXPAND[Concept] "intra-arterial") AND (blood pressure OR hypertension) AND AREA[LastUpdatePostDate] EXPAND[Term] RANGE[01/31/2020, 10/29/2020] 2) CRD Databases (includes DARE) Any field: (blood pressure OR hypertension OR sphygmomanometers OR sphygmomanometer) FROM 01/31/2020 – 10/29/2020 0 Results (databases no longer updated) 3) AHA website searching guidelines and statements here: American Heart Association: Searched by title since topic isn't part of the search anymore: “Blood Pressure” OR hyperten* – 2 retrieved published in 2020 are pasted below. 2 Titles Published Jun 2020 Published Apr 2020 Blood pressure update searches 4-28-2021 Searching publication dates April 28, 2020 to present (6 months overlap with previous update Oct. 28 2020) PubMed 172 results; 135 imported to previous update database from October 2020 |
Search number | Query | Filters | Results |
1 | ("Hypertension"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Hypertension, Renal"[Mesh]) OR hypertens*[All Fields] | | 572,125 |
2 | ("Blood Pressure"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Blood Pressure Determination"[Mesh] OR "Sphygmomanometers"[Mesh]) OR ((Sphygmomanometer* OR ("blood pressure"[All Fields] AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR ABPM[tiab])) | | 343,681 |
3 | #1 OR #2 | | 787,593 |
4 | "Ambulatory Care"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Ambulatory Care Facilities"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Outpatient Clinics, Hospital"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"[Mesh] OR (ambula* AND care) | | 136,356 |
5 | #1 AND #2 | | 128,213 |
6 | #5 AND #4 | | 10,284 |
7 | (diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose*) OR (physical exam*[All Fields] OR clinical exam*[All Fields]) OR stress test*[All Fields] OR (sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver) OR accuracy OR precision OR reliability OR validity OR "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnostic Errors"[Mesh] OR "Diagnostic Tests, Routine"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Sensitivity and Specificity"[Mesh] OR "Diagnosis"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Diagnosis, Differential"[Mesh:NoExp] | | 10,608,074 |
8 | #7 AND #6 | | 6,308 |
9 | "Hypertension/diagnosis"[Majr:NoExp] | | 9,603 |
10 | #3 OR #6 | | 787,593 |
11 | #10 AND #9 | | 9,603 |
12 | #8 OR #11 | | 13,902 |
13 | (sensitiv*[Title/Abstract] OR "sensitivity and specificity"[MeSH Terms] OR diagnose[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosed[Title/Abstract] OR diagnoses[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosing[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[Title/Abstract] OR diagnostic[Title/Abstract] OR diagnosis[MeSH:noexp] OR "diagnosis, differential"[MeSH:noexp] OR diagnosis[Subheading:noexp]) | | 5,687,876 |
14 | #6 AND #13 | | 5,027 |
15 | #8 OR #11 OR #14 | | 13,902 |
16 | #14 OR #15 | | 13,902 |
17 | ("intra-arterial"[All Fields] OR intraarterial[All Fields]) | | 33,675 |
18 | #17 AND #3 | | 5,125 |
19 | #18 OR #16 | | 18,935 |
20 | #18 OR #16 | Humans | 16,431 |
21 | #18 OR #16 | Humans, English | 13,216 |
22 | #18 OR #16 | Humans, English, Adult: 19+ years | 8,560 |
23 | #22 AND (Editorial[pt] OR Comment[pt] OR Letter[pt] OR News[pt]) | | 202 |
24 | #22 NOT #23 | | 8,358 |
25 | (#24) AND (("2020/04/28"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication])) | | 172 |
Cochrane Library |
77 results total |
| Reviews = 22; 10 imported | |
| Protocols = 3; 3 imported | |
| Trials = 52; 30 imported | |
ID | Search | Hits |
#1 | [mh ^Hypertension] or [mh ^"Hypertension, Renal"] | 17960 |
#2 | hypertens* | 70205 |
#3 | #1 or #2 | 70205 |
#4 | [mh ^"Blood Pressure"] or [mh "Blood Pressure Determination"] or [mh Sphygmomanometers] | 27893 |
#5 | Sphygmomanometer* or ("blood pressure" and (monitor* or determin*)) or ABPM | 34666 |
#6 | #4 or #5 | 53126 |
#7 | [mh ^"Ambulatory Care"] or [mh ^"Ambulatory Care Facilities"] or [mh ^"Outpatient Clinics, Hospital"] | 4206 |
#8 | [mh ^"Monitoring, Ambulatory"] OR [mh "Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory"] | 2029 |
#9 | ambula* AND care | 11709 |
#10 | #7 or #8 or #9 | 13758 |
#11 | #3 and #6 | 19859 |
#12 | #3 and #6 and #10 | 1930 |
#13 | diagnost* or diagnosi* or diagnose* | 244700 |
#14 | physical exam* or clinical exam* | 178268 |
#15 | stress test* | 22708 |
#16 | sensitiv* or specific* or predictive value* or ppv or npv or likelihood ratio* or interobserver or intraobserver | 206721 |
#17 | accuracy or precision or reliability or validity | 48979 |
#18 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures"] | 35 |
#19 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Errors"] | 276 |
#20 | [mh ^"Diagnostic Tests, Routine"] | 241 |
#21 | [mh "Sensitivity and Specificity"] | 15503 |
#22 | [mh ^Diagnosis] or [mh ^"Diagnosis, Differential"] | 1448 |
#23 | #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 | 532790 |
#24 | #12 and #23 | 938 |
#25 | [mh ^Hypertension/DI] | 1047 |
#26 | #6 or #12 | 53126 |
#27 | #25 and #26 | 827 |
#28 | #24 or #27 | 1471 |
#29 | sensitiv*:ti or sensitiv*:ab or [mh "sensitivity and specificity"] or diagnose:ti or diagnose:ab or diagnosed:ti or diagnosed:ab or diagnoses:ti or diagnoses:ab or diagnosing:ti or diagnosing:ab or diagnosis:ti or diagnosis:ab or diagnostic:ti or diagnostic:ab or [mh ^diagnosis] or [mh ^"diagnosis, differential"] or [mh ^diagnosis] | 212550 |
#30 | #12 and #29 | 318 |
#31 | #24 or #27 or #28 | 1471 |
#32 | #30 or #31 | 1471 |
#33 | "intra-arterial" or intraarterial | 3198 |
#34 | #33 and #11 | 149 |
#35 | #32 or #34 | 1611 |
#36 | #35 with Cochrane Library publication date Between Apr 2020 and Apr 2021 | 78 |
#37 | #36 and (Editorial:pt or Comment:pt or Letter:pt or News:pt) | 1 |
#38 | #36 not #37 | 77 |
Embase |
65 results: 49 imported |
No. | Query | Results |
#1 | 'hypertension'/de OR 'hypertension'/exp OR hypertension | 1,087,155 |
#2 | renal AND ('hypertension'/de OR hypertension) | 149,201 |
#3 | #1 OR #2 | 1,087,200 |
#4 | 'blood pressure'/de OR 'blood pressure determination'/de OR 'sphygmomanometer'/de OR 'sphygmomanometers'/de | 323,608 |
#5 | sphygmomanometer* OR ('blood pressure' AND (monitor* OR determin*)) OR abpm | 205,859 |
#6 | #4 AND #5 | 81,884 |
#7 | 'ambulatory care'/de OR 'ambulatory care facilities'/de OR 'outpatient clinics, hospital'/de | 114,249 |
#8 | 'blood pressure monitoring'/exp OR 'monitoring, ambulatory'/de | 59,613 |
#9 | ambula* AND care | 110,952 |
#10 | #7 OR #8 OR #9 | 237,084 |
#11 | #3 AND #6 | 38,289 |
#12 | #3 AND #6 AND #10 | 9,911 |
#13 | diagnost* OR diagnosi* OR diagnose* | 7,151,652 |
#14 | 'physical exam' OR 'physical exams' OR 'physical examination'/exp OR 'physical examination' OR 'physical examinations' OR 'clinical exam' OR 'clinical exams' OR 'clinical examination'/exp OR 'clinical examination' OR 'clinical examinations' | 456,760 |
#15 | 'stress test' OR 'stress tests' OR 'stress testing' | 25,938 |
#16 | ((sensitiv* OR specific* OR predictive) AND value* OR ppv OR npv OR likelihood) AND ratio* OR interobserver OR intraobserver | 225,435 |
#17 | 'diagnostic techniques and procedures'/de | 97,321 |
#18 | 'diagnostic errors'/exp | 106,921 |
#19 | 'diagnostic tests, routine'/de | 80,764 |
#20 | 'sensitivity and specificity'/exp | 388,516 |
#21 | 'diagnosis'/de OR 'diagnosis, differential'/de | 1,746,492 |
#22 | 'accuracy'/exp OR accuracy OR 'precision'/exp OR precision OR 'reliability'/exp OR reliability OR 'validity'/exp OR validity | 1,432,494 |
#23 | #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 | 8,310,276 |
#24 | #12 AND #23 | 4,387 |
#25 | 'hypertension'/mj/dm_di | 13,506 |
#26 | #6 OR #12 | 81,885 |
#27 | #25 AND #26 | 2,486 |
#28 | #24 OR #27 | 5,532 |
#29 | sensitiv*or AND 'sensitivity and specificity'/dm_di AND exp OR diagnose OR diagnosed OR diagnoses OR diagnosing OR diagnostic OR 'diagnosis'/dm_di OR 'diagnosis, differential'/dm_di | 2,997,841 |
#30 | #12 AND #29 | 1,729 |
#31 | #24 OR #27 OR #28 | 5,532 |
#32 | #30 OR #31 | 5,532 |
#33 | 'intra-arterial' OR 'intraarterial' OR intraarterial | 59,911 |
#34 | #11 AND #33 | 414 |
#35 | #32 OR #34 | 5,857 |
#36 | #35 AND [embase]/lim | 5,026 |
#37 | #36 AND ([animal cell]/lim OR [animal experiment]/lim OR [animal model]/lim OR [animal tissue]/lim) AND [embase]/lim | 119 |
#38 | #36 NOT #37 AND [embase]/lim | 4,907 |
#39 | (editorial:it OR comment:it OR letter:it OR news:it) AND [embase]/lim | 1,436,866 |
#40 | #38 NOT #39 AND [embase]/lim | 4,690 |
#41 | #40 AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [embase]/lim | 2,529 |
#42 | #40 AND ([adult]/lim OR [middle aged]/lim OR [aged]/lim OR [very elderly]/lim) AND [2020-2021]/py | 204 |
#43 | #42 AND [28-4-2020]/sd NOT [29-4-2021]/sd | 157 |
#44 | #43 AND ([medline]/lim OR [pubmed-not-medline]/lim) | 92 |
#45 | #43 NOT #44 | 65 | 20 results; 9 imported AREA[ConditionSearch] (Ambulator* OR diagnost* or diagnosi* or diagnose* OR physical exam* or clinical exam* OR stress test* OR sensitiv* or specific* or predictive value* or ppv or npv or likelihood ratio* or interobserver or intraobserver OR EXPAND[Concept] "intra-arterial") AND (blood pressure OR hypertension) AND AREA[LastUpdatePostDate] EXPAND[Term] RANGE[10/01/2020, 04/28/2021] CRD Databases (includes DARE) Any field: (blood pressure OR hypertension OR sphygmomanometers OR sphygmomanometer) FROM 2020 – 2021 0 results AHA website AHA website searching guidelines and statements here: American Heart Association: Searched by title since topic isn't part of the search anymore: “Blood Pressure” OR hyperten* – 0 retrieved published 2020-2021 |