Make the Diagnosis: Hypovolemia, Adult
Hypovolemia occurs for a variety of causes. There are no reasonable estimates for the prior probability that would be uniformly helpful. Clinicians should use their best judgment in assessing the probability of intravascular volume depletion according to the patient's medical history and findings that suggest the possibility of fluid losses.
Population for Whom Hypovolemia Disease Should Be Considered
See Tables 24-8 and 24-9 for the likelihood of hypovolemia caused by blood loss.
Reference Standard Tests
Intravascular volume depletion typically relies on a clinical diagnosis, with appropriate laboratory measures that correct with rehydration. In controlled settings, blood volume and total body water can be measured indirectly with radiolabeled agents.
Original Article: Is This Adult Patient Hypovolemic?
In each of the following clinical scenarios, clinicians need to identify which physical signs reliably and accurately indicate volume depletion or dehydration.
A 54-year-old man, taking ibuprofen for knee arthritis, presents with a 1-day history of melena. Physical examination reveals a pulse of 80/min and blood pressure (BP) of 140/82 mm Hg when supine and 115 and 132/86 mm Hg when standing. There is mild epigastric tenderness and a positive result on a guaiac test for occult blood in the stool. The hematocrit level is 39%.